Bridging Silicon Valley and the Beltway

Published: Feb. 26, 2010, 3:21 p.m.

b'Robert Rodriguez, Chairman, Security Innovation Network\\n\\n

Robert Rodriguez thinks there are plenty of innovative ideas emanating from American entrepreneurs to secure information systems that those responsible for federal government cybersecurity haven\'t heard of. \\n\\n

Rodriguez is chairman of the Security Innovation Network, which was created to bridge the gap between Silicon Valley and the Beltway by encouraging collaboration between entrepreneurs and government on developing IT security solutions.\\n\\n

In an interview with, Rodriguez spoke of the officials charged with securing government IT:\\n\\n

"They wish that they had greater awareness of companies at an early stage so they can shape the mission needs. Sometimes the companies they come across are too mature, too robust and down their paths that it\'s too costly and not effective to alter to a unique infrastructure in some of these government agencies."

Rodriguez, in the interview conducted by\'s Eric Chabrow, assesses the current relationship between business and government in tackling cybersecurity challenges and the efforts by the Security Innovation Network to facilitate that cooperation.'