Blurring the Bull's Eye on Federal IT: Dickie George, Technical Director of Information Assurance, National Security Agency

Published: Nov. 25, 2009, 3:48 p.m.

b'Back in the 1950s, not too many years removed from World War II, Dickie George was in grade school, and he recalled drills in which pupils hid under their classroom desks in preparation for a bombing attack. Then, he said, people understood threats.\\n\\n

"In today\'s cyber world, cyber is so much more complicated than a bomb that it\'s really hard for people to really understand the threat, and understand how to defend themselves against that threat," George, technical director at the National Security Agency\'s Information Assurance Directorate, said in an interview with "That education is what we have to achieve as a nation, so that we can all work together to make ourselves a much harder target."\\n\\n

In the second of a two-part interview, George discusses the:\\n\\n

Risk federal IT faces because of a dearth of cybersecurity professionals needed to safeguard information systems.
Competition among government agencies and the government and business in recruiting far too few cybersecurity professionals.
Need to start educating students early about IT security in hopes they\'ll be attracted to a career in cybersecurity.

In Part 1 of the interview, George discussed the technical challenges facing the NSA in securing its IT systems, including staging attacks on its IT.\\n\\n\'s Eric Chabrow interviewed George.\\n\\n

George began at the National Security Agency in August 1970 after graduating from Dartmouth College. He started in the Crypto-Math Intern Program, having tours in Research, the SIGINT Directorate and the Information Assurance Directorate\'s predecessor organization. Except for a tour in the Signals Intelligence Directorate and one at the Center for Communications Research in Princeton, he has worked in the Information Assurance Directorate\'s since 1973, and has served as its technical director since 2003.'