Advising Obama on Cybersecurity Part 2: Ret. Air Force Lt. Gen. Harry Raduege

Published: Feb. 25, 2009, 3:21 p.m.

b'The Washington think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies released in December a report from the Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency, a bipartisan comprehensive study initiated in 2007 of the cybersecurity challenges the next president would face. Among the commission\'s recommendation was the creation within the White House of an Office of Cyberspace that would address federal government information challenges.\\n\\n

In a two-part interview with, commission co-chair Harry Raduege discusses how he sees the Obama administration addressing the panel\'s recommendations. In Part 2, Raduege addresses:\\n\\n

Balancing the use of new technologies by federal employees with the need to secure IT.
The relationship between the chief information officer and the chief information security officer.
Building trust between the private and public sectors that\'s required to secure information technology.

Harry D. Raduege Jr., chairman of the Deloitte Center for Network Innovation, is a retired Air Force lieutenant general who served in the military for 35 years. At his retirement, he was director of the Defense Information Systems Agency. Prior to his DISA assignment, Raduege directed command and control systems for North American Aerospace Defense Command, U.S. Space Command and Air Force Space Command. He also served as the chief information officer for all three commands as well as the architect for computer network defense and attack capabilities established within the Department of Defense.\\n\\n

Raduege was one of three co-chairs of the Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency.'