4 Key Areas of Cybersecurity R&D

Published: June 24, 2009, 6:15 p.m.

b'Interview with Deborah Frincke of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.\\n\\n

Deborah Frincke is leading a team of computer scientists at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, one of nine Department of Energy national labs, to find new ways to defend government IT systems.\\n\\n

In an interview with the Information Security Media Group, Frincke describes four areas of research and development being conducted at the Richland, Wash., labs:\\n\\n

  • Adaptive Systems that preserve the intended mission of the systems regardless of attempts at manipulation;
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  • Cyber Analytics that provide a broader context for decision making;
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  • Predictive Defense that supports strategic and tactical decisions in preserving the long-term soundness of the infrastructure; and
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  • Trustworthy Engineering that establishes and maintains security goals.
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\\nFrincke spoke with Eric Chabrow, managing editor of GovInfoSecurity.com. \\n\\n

(A summary of the lab\'s R&D activities can be found here: i4.pnl.gov.)'