2010 Data Breach Trends: Verizon Business Report Update

Published: Dec. 10, 2009, 8:59 p.m.

b'Interview with Wade Baker and Alex Hutton of Verizon Business\\n\\n

Earlier this year, Verizon Business unveiled its much-heralded 2009 Data Breach Investigations Report.\\n\\n

Now, the company has just released its 2009 Supplemental Data Breach Report, which reveals the 15 most common attacks against organizations.\\n\\n

In an exclusive interview, Wade Baker and Alex Hutton of Verizon Business discuss:\\n\\n

The trends uncovered in the supplemental report;
How the threat landscape varies by industry;
What organizations and individuals can do to better protect themselves.
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Baker, research and intelligence principal with Verizon Business, has more than 10 years of IT and security experience. His background spans the technical-managerial spectrum from system administration and web development to data analysis and risk management. He is one of the primary authors of the groundbreaking Verizon Business Data Breach Investigations Report. \\n\\n

Hutton, research and intelligence principal with Verizon Business, has served as a consultant and auditor on topics related information risk and security for more than 15 years, working for Fortune 10 to SMB companies. He is a contributor to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report and writes regularly for the Verizon Security Blog.'