10-30-18 Ryan Carlson - Creating Your Custom Mead Recipe

Published: Oct. 31, 2018, 1 a.m.

b"This week, Ryan is back again, and wants to talk about creating your own mead recipes. Probably the most asked question on the Gotmead Forums and the many mead social media groups is 'do you have a recipe for xxx'.
Yeah, we do. But you'll never be able to make the same mead as us, because there are differences in regional honey, fruits, spices, etc. No two meads are exactly alike. But that's ok, Ryan is going to help you to figure out how to put together flavors you like or hear about, and create a mead recipe that will get you a solid mead, every time.
This is a core meadmaking skill, creating your own recipes. Once you've got this down, the sky is the limit!"