1-7-20 Happy New Year! Carvin Wilson on Mead Competitions and Judging, Mead Trends, Making Mead

Published: Jan. 8, 2020, 2 a.m.

b"Tonight's guest is Carvin Wilson, mead maker, mead industry supporter, and owner of Carvin Software. If you haven't heard of Carvin, you're not hanging out with mead folk. Carvin, who lives near Phoenix, AZ, is a long time mead maker, started getting involved nationwide with the mead scene several years ago.

Carvin makes incredibly well done mead. Like amazing. (At some point I'm going to see about doing a trade deal with him, once the meads I'm working on are finished). He's taken quite a few medals at competitions all over the country.

Carvin is a committed home mead maker, and pictures of the fermenters all over his home (and the laughing protestations of his lovely wife Robin to clear the table so they can do a dinner) prove this out.

Carvin has presented both himself and as part of panels at the AMMA MeadCon, and is a member of the Home Governing Committee at the AMMA, and is managing the AMMA MeadMaker of the Year . He's on the American Homebrewers Association Governing Committee, and took over running the Mazer Cup Home Competition this year.

So yeah, this guy is into mead. Kinda.

Tonight we're rambling on a lot of things, like the Mazer Cup competition, the AMMA Meadmaker of the Year, the AHA, Mead Judging, Meadcon, Mead growth and trends and of course, talking mead and taking mead making questions."