Don't Ditch That Tech! - GTT104

Published: Jan. 27, 2020, 6:30 a.m.


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The Five Principles of Don\\u2019t Ditch That Tech

  1. Technology should be used to enhance students\\u2019 learning and should rely on evidence-based practices. There is no substitute for great teaching or great student-to-teacher relationships.
  2. Technology should help us work with content in interactive, meaningful ways.
  3. Technology should help teachers and students cross varied developmental levels. 
  4. Technology should eventually empower students to be designers of their own learning. The goal is for students to become critical thinkers and life-long learners.
  5. Technology should promote reflection and metacognition.

Iorad - online tutorial builder 

A Dangerously Powerful EdTech App: iorad (from Teaching from the Ridge blog)

Dotstorming -- Dotstorming takes the process of dot voting online to allow groups of people to collaborate on a topic.

Penzu Journal -- A private, 100% customizable online journal.

Twitter: @TeachFromRidge



Google Teacher Tribe Mailbag

Melanie Samson-Cormie (Edmonton CA)

On The Blogs

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
