The Adventures Of Ellery Queen, The Adventure Of The Message In Red Ep. 1 | #oldtimeradio

Published: Nov. 9, 2017, 8 a.m.

Welcome to Good Old Time Radio Podcast, Classic Radio Shows. Episode 1
Today we feature The Adventures Of Ellery Queen: The Adventure Of The Message.
Join us weekly on our podcast, as we feature many famous shows from the Golden Years Old Radio Theater.
This channel is shared with Good Music Radio.

The Adventures of Ellery Queen was a radio detective program in the United States. Several iterations of the program
appeared on different networks, with the first one broadcast on CBS June 18, 1939, and the last on ABC May 27, 1948.

The Adventures of Ellery Queen grew out of the combined efforts of producer-director George Zachary and writers Frederic
Dannay and Manfred Lee. Dannay and Lee, who were cousins, originated the Ellery Queen character. Initially they wrote the
programs scripts, and Zachary handled production. Beginning in 1945, Anthony Boucher replaced Dannay and worked with Lee writing scripts.

During the programs first season, Radio Guide magazine called it a CBS drama that will keep you on the edge of your chair.
It added You will find Ellery Queen both brave and brilliant and you will find yourself participating joyously in the ageless thrill of the manhunt.


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