Casey, Crime Photographer, The Miracle Ep. 1 | Good Old Radio #CaseyCrimePhotographer #oldtimeradio

Published: Nov. 3, 2017, 8 a.m.

Welcome to Good Old Time Radio Podcast, Classic Radio Shows. Episode 1
Today we feature Casey, Crime Photographer: The Miracle.
Join us weekly on our podcast, as we feature many famous shows from the Golden Years Old Radio Theater.
This channel is shared with Good Music Radio. Golden Age Of Radio!

Casey, Crime Photographer, known by a variety of titles on radio (aka Crime Photographer, Flashgun Casey, Casey, Press Photographer)
was a media franchise from the 1930s to the 1960s. The character was the creation of novelist George Harmon Coxe. Casey was featured
in the pulp magazine, Black Mask, novels, comic books, radio, film, television and legitimate theatre.[3]

Jack Flashgun Casey, was a crime photographer for the newspaper The Morning Express. With the help of reporter Ann Williams
(best remembered portrayed by Jan Miner, Palmolives Madge), he solved crimes and recounted his stories to friends at the Blue Note,
their favorite tavern and jazz club where the Archie Bleyer Orchestra[4] and the Teddy Wilson Trio were featured

Begun as over 20 popular short stories in Black Mask, there were films and novels before the stories were brought to radio under various names.
The series aired on CBS. The radio show was sustained by the network when a sponsor could not be found. Sponsors of the show include Anchor Hocking,
Toni home permanents, Toni Shampoo and Philip Morris


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