Access To God

Published: Aug. 23, 2021, 12:45 a.m.

b'Access To God \\u2013 From the day we became Christian, we have desired access to God. God\\u2019s Word teaches the path to the throne of God comes through our faith and life in Christ Jesus, the Son of God.\\xa0 We must understand what it takes to have access to Christ and the Father. While there is no one between us and Christ Jesus, Christ stands between us and the Father. We must receive him to gain access to God. The road to God is narrow, and life is very short. We need to make every effort to make it in, and stay in. Many of us cry out to the Lord when we are in trouble, but we do not persevere in our knowledge, faith, and walk with the Lord. Therefore, when we need the Lord the most, that is when he says to us, I do not know you, access denied.\\xa0 We need access to God through Christ Jesus so his Spirit is living within us, so when trouble comes our prayers reach the throne of God and are answered. When we say in Jesus\\u2019s name, it means something because he knows us, and his power is at work within us.'