Episode 56 Brinson talks standing firm in the faith | #KimBurrell | special guest Jered Sanders talks writing, new project, serving in the local church and more. Ellie Andrews brings the CHH weekly news blast!

Published: Jan. 10, 2017, 5:52 a.m.

b'Episode 56 Brinson talks standing firm in the faith | #KimBurrell | special guest Jered Sanders talks writing, new project, serving in the local church and more. Ellie Andrews brings the CHH weekly news blast!\\n\\n1. Brinson \\u201cRight Derr\\u201d\\n2. Theory Hazit \\u201cLesson in Power\\u201d\\n3. Jered Sanders \\u201cWho Am I\\u201d\\n\\n#CHH #KimBurrell #Church #Gospel #ChristianHipHop'