FTTH Conf, Tue: Smart Grid Economics, Kutztown Magic, UTOPIA

Published: Sept. 25, 2012, 6 p.m.

b"1:00 CST - The Smart Economics of Smart Grid and Broadband\\n Katie Espeseth, Vice President of EPB Fiber Optics, discusses the origins of Chattanooga's fiber network as a economic development engine. EPB's initial goal was to use the network to modernize their smart grid and thus save their business customers collectively $80 - $100 million/year. That's just one of the benefits. Listen and learn about the others.\\n2:00 CST - Small Town Produces Big Time Results with Fiber Net\\n With 10 years of successful operations, Kutztown, PA is one of the muni broadband success stories highlighted at the FTTH Council conference, Frank Caruso, the town's Dir. of Information Technology, explains how they impact the local economy through services to businesses and residences.\\n3:00 CST - UTOPIA - Setting the Record Straight\\n Todd Marriott, Executive Director of Utah regional community network UTOPIA, sets the record straight on progress expanding their infrastructure. Contrary to recent news stories, UTOPIA continues to expand their subscriber base and draw new interest from cities in their area. Marriott also discusses some of the economic impact they've had on communities."