Building the Gigabit City

Published: May 8, 2013, 6 p.m.

b'Google Fiber is mighty nice, but they aren\\u2019t the only fish in the digital sea. Communities actually have many options for getting better, faster broadband, they just need to understand where and how to look. Building the Gigabit City, Craig Settles latest book, helps rural and urban communities:\\n 1) navigate past the hype surrounding gigabit networks;\\n 2) understand what super-fast access can and cannot do to improve communities;\\n 3) conduct effective needs assessment; and\\n 4) plan effective broadband strategy to leverage their options.\\n CEO Mark Ansboury of Gigabit Squared, Settles\\u2019 partner in this e-book project, joins the show to discuss several key issues the book addresses such as broadband\\u2019s impact on economic development. Ansboury and Settles also offer tips for consensus building to form partnerships between various stakeholders that move network projects forward.\\nBuilding the Gigabit City is Settles\\u2019 ninth book about developing strategies and tactics for using Internet, wireless and broadband technologies. This is his first e-book.'