Ep 102 - Tim Shaw

Published: Dec. 11, 2019, 8:29 p.m.

b'Tim Shaw has been a lifelong researcher in the fields of the Paranormal and Metaphysical. Growing up in Western New York State and having relatives in the Lily Dale Spiritualist Assembly, a Spiritualist community, it was only natural for him to develop an interest in these mystical fields. Having been brought up Roman Catholic and Spiritualist gave Tim great insights into the miraculous as well as the phenomena of the worlds around us. As a Medium, Tim has taken training through the National Spiritualist Association of Churches, The Omega Institute, The Priesthood of Melchizadek, as well as under the tutelage of many influential instructors.\\n\\nTim is also a successful author, lecturer, media personality, and photographer. He has penned: \\u201cGhosts of Buffalo, Mysteries, Murder, and Mayhem in the Nickel City,\\u201d \\u201cThe Dogma of\\u2026ME,\\u201d \\u201cThe C2D1 Haunting,\\u201d and \\u201cRev. Zombie\\u2019s Book of Divination.\\u201d He has co-written \\u201cHaunted Rochester,\\u201d and has contributed to Marla Brooks \\u201cAnimal Spells and Magick,\\u201d and \\u201cLost Whispers, A Collective Allegory of Haunted America,\\u201d and added photographs to DMP\\u2019s \\u201cHaunted Prisons,\\u201d and \\u201cHaunted Asylums.\\u201d'