GBA Extra - The Family Tree Season 3

Published: Nov. 19, 2019, 10:32 a.m.

b"In this GBA Extra we get even better acquainted with The Family Tree Podcast. I'm joined by Jen Adamthwaite the co-producer/creator of GBA's weird sister podcast to talk about the whys, the hows, the highs and the lows of making the second season of this magical realist podcast drama.\\n\\nTHIS EPISODE CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE FAMILY TREE.\\n\\nThe GBA episode where we talked about The Family Tree Season 1:\\n\\nThe GBA episode where we talked about The Family Tree Season 2:\\n\\nTo listen to The Family Tree from Episode 1 and for more info about the series go over to our website:\\n\\niTunes link:\\n\\nNow also available on Spotify:\\n\\nTo sign up to our Patreon go here, at this point you will only be charged when we release the Christmas special:"