GBA Extra - Extracts from GBA 2011

Published: April 25, 2012, 6:30 a.m.

b'Because making it took up all my editing time this week today we have a GBA Extra in place of the usual episode.\\n\\nIt\'s 15 minute montage of extracts that represent the 2011 output of Getting Better Acquainted. It in no way is a best of, so many wonderful moments and people were cut for reasons of time, it is designed to communicate how the show is different from what you might hear on the radio. \\n\\nBecause it\'s short it gives you time to catch up on episodes you might have missed. \\n\\nThere will be 2 more GBA Extra\'s on Friday to make up for the lack of full length episode this week. Below is the "Commendation Document" and the Track List that went with the nomination.\\n\\n***\\n\\nCommendation document: \\nDave Pickering / Getting Better Acquainted\\n\\nSRA nominated writer Dave Pickering produces the weekly podcast Getting Better Acquainted. This nomination is a series of extracts from the first 36 episodes of the show, selected to illustrate the range of topics and types of conversations he\\u2019s captured.\\n\\nEach week, Dave gets better acquainted with someone he knows. It\\u2019s an autobiography through personal connections, an oral history snapshot of a group of interconnected people and a series of startlingly intimate conversations about what it is to be human. It\\u2019s like eavesdropping on a scene late in a party where two people are really getting to know each other. There are lots of shows about famous people; this is a show about the rest of us.\\n\\nGBA takes advantage of the internet, not just as a way to distribute material, but as an interactive experience offering listeners the opportunity to explore playlists out of sequence.\\nThe episodes are carefully edited for flow, pace and clarity while maintaining the illusion of real time. They are hyper-realism; microphones being moved or planes flying overhead remind us that this moment actually happened. The rough-and-ready nature of the recording is integral to the show as it aims to go where microphones rarely go. \\n\\n***\\n\\nTrack Listing:\\nDave Pickering / Getting Better Acquainted\\n\\n0.00: Episode theme (episodes usually begin with a cold open, which is a short highlight from within the episode, followed by this theme.)\\n\\n0.21: Opening of Matt works for a religious charity and he went to university with Dave. Recorded in a snatch of time at a mutual friends wedding.\\n\\n0.38: An extract from the opening of Dave\\u2019s Mum answers \\u201cHow did you meet me?\\u201d recorded in her bird filled back garden.\\n\\n0.42: An extract from opening of Dave talks to his brother Tony. This episode has been one of the series most popular episodes and was selected by SoundCloud for their SoundCloud Voices blog.\\n\\n1.04: An extract from Dave\\u2019s school friend Angela describes what she \\u201cdoes now\\u201d. This episode was recorded next to the River Taff in Cardiff in one of Dave\\u2019s GBA Road Trips back to where he grew up.\\n\\n1.13: An extract from Dave\\u2019s ex bandmate George describes what he \\u201cdoes now.\\u201d \\n\\n1.22 An extract from opening of Episode 35 with Dave\\u2019s brother Tony. \\n\\n1.42: An extract from Dave\\u2019s nieces\\u2019 best friend Jessica describes what she does now. \\n\\n2.12: Opening of Dave and his close school friend Owain begin the show and set the scene of where their conversation takes place.\\n\\n3.10: An extract from New media start up acquaintances Aisha and Abdel speak to Dave over breakfast at the flat where they live and work. \\n\\n3.41: Another extract from Episode 6 with George.\\n\\n3.56: An extract from Dave asks Eric wh'