GBA 106 Jack and George

Published: April 16, 2013, 5:43 p.m.

b"In GBA 106 we get better acquainted with Jack and George.\\n\\nWhilst drinking brandy & chain-smoking Jack, George and me trade differing views of the legal system and ask whether you change significantly after childhood: what stays the same and what changes. \\n\\nThis episode includes an account of being arrested for destroying a house, an account of being a witness to an assault, an account of a bus kidnapping and the curious case of the police confiscating George's Lou Reed collection.\\n\\nIt's an interesting ride: Part surprise therapy session, part series of complimentary and contradictory experiences of the law and part documentation of a friendship. We actually don't sound as drunk as we were!\\n\\nWe don't really plug anything.\\n\\nThese are the individual GBAs with George and Jack:\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nAnd this is the collected GBAs with Apples for Everyone members:\\n\\n\\n\\nWe mention Talha Assan\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nAim:\\n\\nLou Reed:\\n\\nPrince:\\n\\nThundercats:\\n\\n\\nYou can hear Getting Better Acquainted on Stitcher SmartRadio, Stitcher allows you to listen to your favourite shows directly from your iPhone, Android Phone, Kindle Fire and beyond.\\n\\nOn-demand and on the go!\\n\\nDon\\u2019t have Stitcher? Download it for free today at or in the app stores.\\n\\nHelp more people get better acquainted. If you like what you hear why not write an iTunes review?\\n\\nFollow @GBApodcast on Twitter. Like Getting Better Acquainted on facebook. Tell your friends. Spread the word!"