Down to a sunless sea: Episode 6: I don't want to die, but I'm dying

Published: April 28, 2020, 8:35 a.m.

b'General content note for the series: death, dementia, old age, mental health issues\\n\\nExtra content note: Bereavement, suicide, disability, abortion, terminal illness\\n\\nIn the third full episode of the podcast using content funded by the British Podcast Awards and the Wellcome Trust I talk to three doctors with different perspectives and experiences that inform their opinions around assisted dying and euthanasia, something my dad has long advocated for and wishes was available to him.\\n\\nDr Rob Jonquiere is the executive director of The World Federation of Right to Die Societies:\\n\\nDr Jacqueline Davis chairs Healthcare Professionals for Assisted Dying which is part of UK organisation Dignity in Dying: \\n\\nDr Mark Pickering is chief executive officer of the Christian Medical Fellowship and part of UK organisation Care Not Killing: \\n\\nArtwork by my brother Tony Pickering:'