Down to a sunless sea: Episode 18: Legacy

Published: July 21, 2020, 8:23 a.m.

b"General content note for the series: death, dementia, old age, mental health issues\\n\\nAdditional content note: sex, assisted dying, war\\xa0\\n\\nThis episode is the last episode of the first (and possibly last) season of this show, and it's about legacy.\\n\\nI\\u2019ve been planning this show for years. The earliest recording I\\u2019ve used was recorded by my dad on cassette tape in 1984. This show has covered 96 years of my dad\\u2019s life and 38 years of mine. I started recording interviews with my dad in 2011 and began writing essays about our relationship and his journey through old age towards death in 2017.\\n\\nI\\u2019m glad I made this show. That it hasn\\u2019t just remained an imagined show. It\\u2019s been a tough journey at times, but it\\u2019s one I\\u2019m so glad I\\u2019ve made. Thanks for travelling on it with me.\\n\\nArtwork by my brother Tony Pickering:\\xa0"