Down to a sunless sea: Episode 17: The Box And The Jar

Published: July 14, 2020, 8:47 a.m.

b"General content note for the series: death, dementia, old age, mental health issues\\n\\nExtra content note: grief, suicide, terminal illness, abuse, bereavement\\n\\nIn the final full episode of the podcast using content funded by the British Podcast Awards and the Wellcome Trust I talk to counselor and psychotherapist Karen Pollock MBACP about grief and death. This is an episode about ways of thinking (and feeling) about bereavement, therapeutic approaches to change and loss, how the systems and attitudes around and inside us effect the ways we deal with difficult things, and so much more. It is the only episode of the show that doesn't feature my dad's voice but he is very present in the conversation.\\n\\nKaren on twitter:\\n\\nCounselling in Northumberland:\\n\\nNon-Binary Lives: An Anthology of Intersecting Identities:\\n\\nThe Messiness of Grief:\\n\\nOpening the door to difficult conversations:\\n\\nDeath and second chances:\\n\\nArtwork by my brother Tony Pickering:"