Down to a sunless sea: Episode 13: New answers to old questions

Published: June 16, 2020, 7:35 a.m.

b'General content note for the series: death, dementia, old age, mental health issues\\n\\nExtra content note: operations, medical procedures, assisted dying, euthanasia\\n\\nIn the sixth full episode of the podcast using content funded by the British Podcast Awards and the Wellcome Trust I talk to sociologist Dr Gill Haddow about embodiment, replaceable hearts, everyday cyborgs, humanimals and unhealth. This is an episode about possible futures and how we feel about our bodies.\\n\\nGill on twitter:\\n\\nEveryday Cyborgs and Humanimals 2018:\\n\\nAnimal, Mechanical and Me:\\n\\nArtwork by my brother Tony Pickering:\\n\\nThe BPA Fund has a survey that I\\u2019d really appreciate you filling in if you have a few moments. You can find it here:\\n\\nFor some extra incentive if you fill it in you can be entered into a draw for a \\xa350 Amazon voucher. For the purposes of this survey \\u201cGetting Better Acquainted\\u201d counts as "Down to a sunless sea" whether you are listening to it via the GBA feed or not.'