28: Body Odour, Survivorship Bias, Dog Barriers, Nazi Fanta, Sex AI, Learned Genius, and so much more

Published: Aug. 21, 2020, 6 p.m.

b'Hans and Edward explore: a bunch of new gaming and entertainment previews and reviews; why we should all be worrying about The Batman; the incredible Cinema Atlas; how Hollywood\\u2019s \\u201cyes men\\u201d are the cause of terrible movies and TV series; how The Mandalorian is spearheading innovation when it comes to film making; the incredible robots Disney is working on; the scary world of Disney cruise murders; how humans have a flawed logic when it comes to survival; the incredible truth behind the Fanta soft drink; whether geniuses can be made; the incredible new breakthroughs in body odour; why dogs bark as much as they do; the unique religion of the Khurramites; how sex dolls are shaping the future of artificial companionship, and so much more!'