Walking Your Purpose, Part 3

Published: Sept. 10, 2023, 3:08 p.m.

b"What is God's plan for me? Why am I here? Questions about purpose are universal and may have been one of the first things Adam asked after hopping up in the Garden of Eden. \\n\\nSurely, God's purpose for me is something I am already good at and enjoy, something I desire and am able to do. If you have been exposed to Christian personality and spiritual gift inventories, you are familiar with the process of self-selecting on a scale of absolutely me to no way many statements designed to help you discover yourself. They are helpful tools. Most are similar, however, to inventories used by the general non-Christian population. Jesus talked about a narrow and wide way, the narrow being the path for God's people. So, maybe God's way and his purpose are not the same as the wide way; maybe he does things differently. Sunday at GBC, Walking Your Purpose, Part 3; Unique Appointments."