Modern Day Slavery and the Natural Medicine Industry with Michelle Fernandez

Published: Oct. 9, 2019, 1 p.m.

b"Would you be surprised to discover that slavery exists in the natural medicine industry? From 2020, new legislation will come into effect in Australia which aims to increase the accountability of companies to ensure that no facet of their overall supply chain is involved in unethical employment practices that circumvent human rights. Today we are joined by Michelle Fernandez, a nutritionist who works in strategic raw material sourcing within the natural medicine industry. A major aspect to Michelle's role is to identify hidden vulnerabilities in her suppliers and her suppliers' suppliers and work collaboratively with them to adopt changes that bring them into line with world standards. Michelle shares with us some of the ways modern day slavery may impact our industry and more importantly, what can be done about it. This eye-opening podcast highlights the murky waters we need to be wary of when selecting the suppliers we choose to be in business with and why we need to be mindful of not only environmental sustainability but also human rights in ethical sustainability. \\n\\n\\n Find today's transcript and show notes here: \\n\\n *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you learn here raises questions or concerns regarding your health.*****"