Lobbying, Advocacy and Research for the Naturopathic Profession with Prof. Jon Wardle and Dr Amie Steel

Published: Aug. 17, 2020, 2 p.m.

b"Today we're joined by Dr Amie Steel and Prof. Jon Wardle to explore the aspects of lobbying, advocacy and research specifically for the naturopathic profession in Australia. \\n\\n Have you ever wondered what lobbying and advocacy actually is and how these could be applied for the direct benefit of the naturopathic profession? \\n\\n In today's discussion Andrew, Amie and Jon take us through how there is an art to strategically shape conversations for political purpose when it comes to health policy and why it's crucial we're accumulating sound, tangible evidence that shows the value a naturopathic care model can bring to public health. We also discuss why naturopathic medicine is distinct from natural medicine and why there is a critical need for positive and proactive media to contribute to the narrative about naturopathy so our profession is not left to be defined poorly by critics. \\n\\nFind the show notes and transcript for this interview here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/podcast/lobbying-advocacy-and-research-naturopathic-profession-prof-jon-wardle-and-dr-amie-steel \\n\\n\\n *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you learn here raises questions or concerns regarding your health.*****"