From the Middle - Trying the New Lemon-Lime Lobster Dutton Ranchinator at Wendys

Published: Feb. 1, 2023, 6 a.m.

b'#190. Dillon doesn\\u2019t have a mouth-farting tic, Kory maybe isn\\u2019t as neurotic as we thought, but now Kendall thinks he\\u2019s Kevin Costner. We\\u2019re not all crazy, even if we boil Pepsi\\u2019s new Starry lemon-lime soda down into conspiracy theories. Hey, have you ever waited in line over an hour to try a sandwich? Here in the Midwest, we make sacrifices to find fresh seafood like that of Cousin\\u2019s Maine Lobster, a popular food truck which Dillon had a long awaited encounter. Also long awaited is the Cincinnati Bengal\\u2019s success as of late as seen by Kory in a round about fashion from England. Also in this episode: a pet fish with a credit card? A watering trough in an experimental Wendy\\u2019s? A Prime Shotgun Wedding? All that and more in this episode! Feel like chiming in? Try the LinkTree below for various methods. We especially enjoy the Facebook group, \\u201cFrom the Middle for the Middlers.\\u201d Until next time, be kind to each other.

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