From the Middle - The Least Offensive Hot Pop

Published: Sept. 6, 2023, 5 a.m.

b'#220. You think you know how to operate a fridge, then you end up in a hotel with a foreign appliance which is not labeled intuitively and now you have to ponder the possibilities of hot pop. What do you do? You know what would be even worse? Having to preserve the block of cheese you just spent a year\\u2019s salary on in that device. Speaking of cooling things off, Oliver Anthony, the singer/songwriter who recently went viral with an indie music video, had to throw a wet blanket on the political fire which has been flaming. Speaking of enflaming, peanut allergies are on the rise and we don\\u2019t know why. We also don\\u2019t know why an airplane passenger wouldn\\u2019t give you more elbow room if they clearly have the opportunity to. And how about that opportunity Coach Prime seized on opening college football Saturday!? That game was on FOX, so even Spectrum users were able to watch it without using a streaming service. Did you know you can stream your Playstation screen to a mobile device? It works as flawlessly as Max Verstappen\\u2019s F1 season. Listen to how we string all of this together then use the LinkTree below to share your thoughts! Until next time, be kind to each other.

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