From the Middle - St. Paddys Day, Comfy Clothes, and Youre Doing Great!

Published: March 17, 2021, 5 a.m.

b'#093. Happy St. PaDDy\\u2019s Day! We hope you\\u2019re St. Patrick\\u2019s Day is as green as Kory\\u2019s underwear. Yep. We talk underwear...more than even we expected we could. But hey, when a man puts on a new pair it\\u2019s exciting! Also, did you know the Grammy Awards happened? We didn\\u2019t. We did, however still talk about that but concluded you should get your Grammy takes elsewhere. You come to us for things like lamb tacos and other dumb ideas to Americanize Irish foods. Food is the enemy in Kendall\\u2019s life which has kept shirts from fitting right. He shares some of his current journey down the \\u201cdoes this make me look fat when I sit down?\\u201d path. Finally, middler Mike got us watching the newest installment of comedy from Tom Papa. \\u201cYou\\u2019re Doing Great\\u201d is his 2020 special that we\\u2019ve recently enjoyed. Share your stories with us! Do you have anything we need to watch or listen to? How do YOU cover that handsome gut? Let us know via social, email, or voice mails! Just no underwear pics.

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