From the Middle - Paramotoring Aliens Get Curbside

Published: July 14, 2021, 5 a.m.

b'110. Should they tip? We begin this episode listing classic movies we\\u2019ve been told we should watch but regretfully haven\\u2019t. We also reference old movies we like to dust off at times. Kory finds a flying man from his backyard. Paramotoring is apparently a serious hobby. We won\\u2019t be trying it. Dillon talks animated Star Wars. And finally we discuss curbside pick-up which has become the new normal even as COVID restrictions expire. Is it here to stay? Do we want it to? And for the love, do we tip these people? Let us know your thoughts! Find us on social or leave a voice message we can play on a future recording. We\\u2019d love to hear from you!

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