From the Middle - Oscar Sonic the LEGO Master

Published: Feb. 12, 2020, 6 a.m.

b'#037. A timely discussion about award season (mostly the Oscars), new tv shows (entirely LEGO Masters), and premiering films (mostly entirely if not entirely Sonic the Hedgehog). \\xa0We also throw in some good discussion concerning updates and cute stories of our kids. We laugh, we cry, we get our undies in a bunch...all because three guys fell in love. \\xa0With you. \\xa0Happy Valentine\'s day! \\xa0And please send in your voice messages, emails, and social posts about your funny and quirky family stories. \\xa0Anonymous submissions are great. Just let us know you would like them to remain so. \\xa0Thank you all! \\xa0Talk to ya soon!\\xa0


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