From the Middle - Mowing Through Pro Skater with our Eyes Glued Shut

Published: July 20, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'#162. Kory squirted some high power adhesive into his eye. We\\u2019re still waiting to see what super powers he ends up with. Perhaps it\\u2019ll be the ability to digest the digestion pieces from other animal organisms. Dillon is developing the power to paint two days in a row. Some of you are thinking that\\u2019s not a big deal. But others (you know who you are) understand perfectly. You are also probably not the kind of people to buy hiking shoes, but Kendall doubles down on his discovery. We also share what music we\\u2019ve been listening to and we take a nice look back onto the joy that was Tony Hawk\\u2019s Pro Skater. We hope you enjoy! Check the LinkTree and join the community. Until next time, be good to each other.

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