From the Middle - Michigan, Meeting Nate Weber, and Making a House a Home

Published: Aug. 3, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'#164. Aaaaaah. Pure Michigan. Tim Allen said it best. Kory and family took a little trip to Michigan for some relaxation and fun. You know what else is in Michigan? Nate Weber, previous guest on the podcast (episode #117) and previous contestant on the History Channel\\u2019s series Alone. Kory and Nate had a chance to catch up for some good conversation which may help Kory along in his current stage of life. Dillon shares a bit about his home updates including his media room, house slippers, and address labels. Answer from the Middle makes an appearance at the top of the show with a bit of a revisit from last week\\u2019s topic of drive-thru order length. Yes, the new flavor for the discussion has hints of Taco Bell. Also, when someone tells you \\u201cWhenever you\\u2019re in town, you can stay with us,\\u201d are you actually supposed to cash in on the offer? We talk about that. Please send us your thoughts, questions, and topics! The LinkTree below can get you started. Until next time, be kind to each other.

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