From the Middle - Made to Make with Dylan Menges

Published: June 15, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'#158. Designer, letter specialist, and creative director, Dylan Menges is a seasoned creative who has never stopped his pursuit of who he is and what he does. His dedication and honest approach to his work has served him and others. This week, it serves us as we have an opportunity to discuss his career, his life, and his perspectives. From his childhood of \\u201cindependent creativity\\u201d to his current realization of \\u201cideas and differentiation,\\u201d Dylan is generous with sharing his experience and what he is learning about being a \\u201cmaker.\\u201d Dylan Menges is the newly appointed Creative Director for Bible Project. He also operates his uncommon venture, Menges Design. Thank you, Dylan, for your time and wisdom. We appreciate you and look forward to your future creations.

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