From the Middle - G.I. Joe Gaming, Grimace Goodies, and Generative Graphics

Published: June 28, 2023, 5 a.m.

b'\\u201cWe might be idiots, but we have ideas.\\u201d Apparently, Dillon and Kory have always felt that they belong in the brainstorming and conceptual conversations that take place in the brainstorming/storyboarding rooms of big and small screen studios and video game companies, and innovation and R&D labs of game and toy manufacturers. Like, why isn\\u2019t there a Battlefront-esque video game \\u201creskinned\\u201d with well-known G.I. Joe characters and vehicles? Why hasn\\u2019t anybody made a sandbox video game like Red Dead, but one takes place in medieval Europe WITHOUT including dragons and magic? And speaking of medieval times, why isn\\u2019t there a line of fully-articulated, 3.5-ish-inch figures from that period of time? If rich idiots thought hopping into a used piece of tubing that smarter people warned was unsafe at certain depths of the ocean was a good idea, then we should be consulted on the things we know a little bit about. Don\\u2019t ask us about the big money of sports though; we\\u2019re not sure how to tackle that Gordian Knot. We\\u2019d need the wisdom of Solomon for that one. Speaking of Solomon, that guy was a little all over the place with his nuggets of wisdom. We\\u2019re watching Super League: The War for Football, Jury Duty on Prime Video, and Kory finally watched Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

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