From the Middle - Extracurriculars, Flight Attendant Humor, and Snacks

Published: Aug. 31, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'#168. \\u201cIt was the ASPHALT!\\u201d We have all watched the videos or have heard of the cute little limericks and puns that some flight attendants like to work into their routines. Like any good trio of millennials, we put our huddle together to figure out how we feel about it. But before we get to that and Dillon\\u2019s trip to Atlanta, we first have a thoughtful moment in Answers from the Middle. How involved should your young child be in extracurricular activities? Where is the line between quality family time and chaotic schedules? Also related, when should a parent encourage a kid to try new things verses sticking with one and growing? After all this heavy talk, we needed a snack\\u2026or 5 of them. We try a delicious handful of goodies provided by the Brothers Hubbell. Grab your napkins and earbuds, then join us on social or wherever! LinkTree is below. Until next time, be kind to each other!

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