From the Middle - Bandits, Sneaks, and Mavericks

Published: June 22, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'#159. Happy belated Father\\u2019s Day! We begin by expressing what our wonderful families did to show their appreciation. Gifts, food, and a camping trip made the list. Kendall\\u2019s first time taking his family camping went off without a hitch, so they resorted to sleeping in a tent. We\\u2019ll give you a second to find the pun. The weekend went swimmingly. Raccoons suck. Kory had a hobbit style breakfast, but ironically bought some new shoes. Perhaps the folks from The Shire have just never won the Jordan lottery. Dillon received some special moments and gifts after a moist day at the zoo checking out dinosaurs. Kory shares his first experience vacationing with family friends. It also went swimmingly. And one host has had some new stale encounters with a potential never-flusher. We finish with an update on what we\\u2019re watching, including landscaping videos, The Sopranos, Maverick, and Ted Lasso for the sixth time. Join us and share your thoughts, topic suggestions, or questions! Details below.

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