From the Middle - Baked Beans and Slime, Its Bidet Time

Published: Dec. 28, 2022, 6 a.m.

b'#185. It\\u2019s officially the holiday tweener week! We probably (definitely) made that up, but just roll with it. In the midst of our still ongoing Christmas celebrations, we took a moment to catch up with each other and share our stories. Dillon\\u2019s family is finally in the stages of having a child of the fun Christmas age, and boy did they deliver. Barbie Dream Houses have gotten fancier from when we were kids. They have smart thermostats now. Or I think that\\u2019s what\\u2019s going on, I wasn\\u2019t really listening. Kendall\\u2019s Christmas dinner was imported baked beans which he shared with his kid\\u2019s new friend, Alexa. Or something like that. Kory and his wife went to New York where they encountered the progressiveness of tushy sprinklers. I\\u2019m sure that was it. Sorry if I seem distracted. I\\u2019m still trying to figure out why we\\u2019re all paying so much attention to subtle facial movements to house music on TikTok. Are we too old for this? Is this really what the kids are into? If you want to clear your mind of whatever that is, no worries, we have some streaming suggestions for you and some well-wishes for a continued safe and joyful season. Check the LinkTree below to interact, and until next time, be kind to each other!

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