The Joy of Adoption with LeAnn Thieman

Published: March 24, 2015, 3 p.m.

From stories about international orphaned babies, to children who spent years in foster care, to those who were adopted at birth, Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Joy of Adoption, conveys the true joy and unconditional love of adoption. Inspirational stories include those of infertile couples given the gift of parenthood, adopted children who thrive in their new families, and older people given a second chance at family. LeAnn Thieman is well known for having participated in the Vietnam Orphan airlift in April 1975, in which thousands of abandoned orphans were rescued, including her own son, who she says chose her. Join LeAnn Thieman and me on Tuesday, March 24, 10-11 A.M. CT US, as we discuss the 40th anniversary of Operation Babylift and some of  the 101 fascinating and heartwarming stories about meant-to-be kids joining their forever families.