#030 Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. on Psilocybin, Psychedelic Therapies & Mystical Experiences

Published: Jan. 19, 2017, 5:16 a.m.

Dr. Roland R. Griffiths

Dr. Roland R. Griffiths is a clinical pharmacologist at Johns Hopkins and has been researching mood-altering compounds for over 40 years.

As an unusually prolific scientist, having published over 360-times, he's also responsible for having started the psilocybin research program at Johns Hopkins nearly 2 decades ago.

In this podcast, you'll discover:\xa0

  • (00:00)\xa0Introduction
  • (04:05)\xa0Psilocybin produces meaningful mind-altering effects\xa0
  • (12:52)\xa0Psilocybin can treat depression and anxiety in people with life-threatening cancer 1
  • (22:53)\xa0Psilocybin rewires the brain, preferentially breaking fear-based circuits\xa0
  • (28:11)\xa0Meditation and psychedelics quiet neural activity of the default mode network
  • (34:09)\xa0"The hard problem of consciousness" may not be solved by neuroscience
  • (40:16)\xa0Psilocybin helps people quit smoking (80 percent abstinence at six months post-treatment) 2
  • (47:08)\xa0The risks of psilocybin include bad trips and psychiatric problems
  • (01:02:00)\xa0Meditation delivers similar benefits to psilocybin without the risks
  • (01:07:18)\xa0Sauna use improves mood Salvinorin A
  • (01:10:23)\xa0Salvinorin A, ayahuasca, and other psychedelics

If you\u2019re interested in learning more, you can read the full show notes here: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/roland-griffiths

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