Ep. 025 - Sgt Joel Flores

Published: Jan. 30, 2020, 7:46 a.m.

Sgt Joel Flores was a Radio Operator in the United States Marine Corps and is now serving his community as a police officer in Colorado.

While in the Marine Corps, Joel participated in providing humanitarian assistance for the citizens of Haiti after the island was struck by a devastating earthquake in 2009. We also discuss Joel's transition from the military and he details his experience attending the Denver Sheriff Training Academy and what it was like to work in the jail system.

Finally, we discuss Joel moving from the Denver Sheriff's Office to working in the private sector before ultimately joining the local police department. Joel was a solid Marine that I personally worked with and he's great dude. Enjoy!

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7-Ton – Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement
7171 – Patrol Base in Afghanistan
ANGLICO – Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company
BLT – Battalion Landing Team
CAR – Combat Action Ribbon
CLB – Combat Logistics Battalion
COC – Command Operations Center
Corpsman – Navy medic attached to Marines
EOD – Explosive Ordnance Disposal
FCT – Firepower Control Team
FDC – Fire Direction Control
FET – Female Engagement Team.
FSCC – Fire Support Coordination Center. Where fire missions are deconflicted and approved prior to shooting.
GBU – Guided Bomb Unit
GLT – Georgian Liaison Team. Georgian military advisors in Afghanistan.
Hesco Barrier – Earthen filled barriers
HMMWV – High mobility multi-wheeled vehicle
IED – Improvised Explosive Device
JDAM – Joint Direct Attack Munition (GPS guided bomb)
JTAC – Joint Terminal Attack Controller
M-ATV – MRAP All-terrain vehicle
MEU – Marine Expeditionary Unit (Unit attached to ships for deployment)
MRAP – Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (armored vehicle)
OP – Observation Post. An area where forward observers spot enemy positions and conduct fire missions on targets
PB – Patrol Base
PSS-SOF – Precision Strike Suite Special Operations Forces. Targeting program.
RO – Radio Operator
SALT – Supporting Arms Liaison Team
S Shops – S-1 (Administration), S-2 (Intelligence), S-3 (Operations), S-4 (Logistics), S-6 (Communication)
SVBIED – Suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
Water Dogs – Logistics Marines in charge of purifying water and running sanitation facilities
VBIED – Vehicle-borne improvised explosive device