Ep. 018 - SSgt Quentin Brown

Published: Dec. 12, 2019, 2:33 p.m.

This week I interview SSgt Quentin Brown who is a former Marine Fire Support Man and Joint Terminal Attack Controller. Quentin served with 5th ANGLICO, 11th Marines, 3rd LAR and Raider Battalion during his 8-year stint in the Marine Corps.

We discuss his time living in Okinawa and his multiple deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The realities of working with different personalities are brought to light and a surprising revelation is made in the last portion of the interview.

Quentin now lives in Ohio and works for three different fire departments and I look forward to our next interview.

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7-Ton – Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement
ANGLICO – Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company
BLT – Battalion Landing Team
EOD – Explosive Ordnance Disposal
FCT – Firepower Control Team
GBU – Guided Bomb Unit
GLT – Georgian Liaison Team (Georgian military advisors)
Hesco Barrier – Earthen filled barriers
HMMWV – High mobility multi-wheeled vehicle
IED – Improvised Explosive Device
JDAM – Joint Direct Attack Munition (GPS guided bomb)
JTAC – Joint Terminal Attack Controller
M-ATV – MRAP All-terrain vehicle
MRAP – Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (armored vehicle)
RO – Radio Operator
SALT – Supporting Arms Liaison Team
S Shops – S-1 (Administration), S-2 (Intel), S-3 (Operations), S-4 (Logistics), S-6 (Communication)
SVBIED – Suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
VBIED – Vehicle-borne improvised explosive device