Ep. 015 - SSgt Michael Farrell

Published: Nov. 7, 2019, 8:05 a.m.

SSgt Michael Farrell and I sit down to talk about life in Japan and the different shenanigans we get into during port calls on deployment. Enjoy!

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7-Ton – Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement
ANGLICO – Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company
BLT – Battalion Landing Team
EOD – Explosive Ordnance Disposal
FCT – Firepower Control Team
GBU – Guided Bomb Unit
GLT – Georgian Liaison Team (Georgian military advisors)
Hesco Barrier – Earthen filled barriers
HMMWV – High mobility multi-wheeled vehicle
IED – Improvised Explosive Device
JDAM – Joint Direct Attack Munition (GPS guided bomb)
JTAC – Joint Terminal Attack Controller
M-ATV – MRAP All-terrain vehicle
MRAP – Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (armored vehicle)
RO – Radio Operator
SALT – Supporting Arms Liaison Team
S Shops – S-1 (Administration), S-2 (Intel), S-3 (Operations), S-4 (Logistics), S-6 (Communication)
SVBIED – Suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
VBIED – Vehicle-borne improvised explosive device