Ep 24: Emotion Inspired Productions with Phil Wang, Co-Founder of WongFu Productions

Published: April 9, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

Part 3 of 3 of our LA Series, we'll be interviewing one of our childhood idol\u2019s - Phil Wang from Wong Fu Productions.\xa0\n\nYou might recognize his name from YouTube hits such as \u201cYellow Fever\u201d and \u201cAsian Bachelorette,\u201d as Phil has been a creator of many popular films and shorts that resonate with the Asian-American experience. In this episode, you\u2019ll hear from Phil and his journey to create the media company Wong Fu Productions. Founded in 2006 during the rise of YouTube, Phil capitalized on the growth of the platform to grow his media empire as well. Today the Wong Fu Productions YouTube channel has over 3mm followers!