Discovering Your Family's "Why"

Published: Aug. 31, 2023, 1:21 p.m.

b'Summer coming to a close inevitably means new routines. But have you considered where those routines are taking you? How those routines today, if continued, will shape your children\'s hearts a decade from now? How these routines even shape your family\'s identity?

In this episode, we talk about your "why" and the gift of involving your kids in a purpose greater than themselves.

Here are some highlights:

  • What it means for the household to partner with Jesus for the restoration of all things
  • The generational influence of our kid\'s purpose
  • Making those under your roof feel seen
  • Living with a "there you are" confidence
  • Setting values today that impact your family ten years from now
Show Notes:

Order a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and Christi:

Order a copy of The Household and The War for the Cosmos by C.R. Wiley:

Order a copy of The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield:

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