199. Practice Being Unoffendable

Published: Feb. 11, 2021, 6:15 a.m.

b"Choosing to live above the world's hate and bitter divisiveness changes the atmosphere of your home. Can you imagine being like David, a man who asked God to point out anything in him that offended God? Let's start praying that prayer.

In this episode, Josh and Christi share a new perspective on offense, challenging us to live and love in a way that brings to earth the way it is in heaven. Here are some highlights:

* Finding where we place our identity is critical to knowing what offends us. * Helpful ways to understand and process your offense include journaling and talking to someone you know.* Blessing those offend you begins with listening and repenting. But blessing your perceived enemy is what we're called to do for those who follow Jesus.

Show Notes:

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