20 Questions About Our New Beach House - Answered!

Published: Oct. 22, 2020, 9 a.m.

b"Heather and I have had a lot of questions about our new beach house in North Carolina and today they are getting answered. The questions are broken down into 3 categories which include general, logistics, and rental opportunities, and let's get started!\\nDo you want to live on the beach? Would you like to rent Trav & Heather's beach house? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @ExtraPackofPeanuts.\\nToday's podcast is sponsored by Oregon State University ECampus.\\nIn This Episode\\n07:30 How Long Do You Plan To Spend At The Beach House?\\xa0\\n12:00 Did You Sell The Philly House? Are You Renting The Philly House?\\n14:15 How Did We Decided On The Location?\\n19:20 Why Did You Decided To Buy Something So Far From Philly?\\n21:15 Why The Carolina's And Not Abroad?\\n22:20 Where Do You See Yourselves Buying Next?\\n24:00 Where Did We Get Those Chairs?!\\n24:45 How Did We Find This Property?\\n27:20 How Did We Find A Realtor In North Carolina?\\n33:00 What Was The House Buying Process Like For You?\\n38:45 Is Flood & Hurricane Insurance Expensive?\\n42:10 Do We Have Concerns About An Investment This Large During A Pandemic?\\n45:55 Any Tips On Budgeting For Someone Who Wants To Buy A Place\\n53:35 Are We Hiring A Property Manager For The Rental Of This House?\\n55:25 Was The Beach House Previously A Vacation Rental?\\n57:55 How Do We Home Renovate With 2 Little Ones?\\n59:30 Has It Turned Out How We Thought It Would?\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nImportant Links\\nOregon State University E-Campus\\nNever Split The Difference By Chris Voss\\nLocation Indie\\nWant to follow our adventures? Check out our Instagram's @ExtraPackOfPeanuts,\\xa0@HeatherSherry, and @TravelingWhitMyles\\n\\xa0\\nWant More?\\nTop10 Favorite States\\n16 Best Places To Live For 3 Years\\nDestination Diary: Asheville, North Carolina\\n\\xa0\\nLeave a Review!\\nApple Podcast reviews are one of THE most important factors for podcasts. If you enjoy the show please take a second to leave the show a review on Apple Podcasts!\\n\\nClick this link: Leave a review on Apple Podcasts\\nHit \\u201cView in iTunes\\u201d on the left-hand side under the picture.\\nLeave an honest review.\\nYou\\u2019re awesome!"