Episode 188 Big Tech, Antitrust, and Democracy

Published: Aug. 7, 2020, 9:02 a.m.

b'Ben and James discuss the antitrust subcommittee hearing, the problems of mixing antitrust and Aggregators, and how to think about regulation and democracy. Links Ben Thompson: Antitrust Politics \\u2014 Stratechery The New York Times: Here\\u2019s which tech C.E.O. was asked the most questions by lawmakers. \\u2014 NY Times Ben Thompson: Why Doesn\\u2019t Apple Enable Sustainable Businesses on the App Store? \\u2014 Stratechery Ben Thompson: Apple\\u2019s China Problem \\u2014 Stratechery Ben Thompson: The Antitrust Hearing, The Role of Congress, CEO Questions \\u2014 Stratechery Daily Update Ben Thompson: A Framework for Regulating Competition on the Internet \\u2014 Stratechery Ben Thompson: Ends, Means, \\u2026 Continue reading Episode 188 \\u2014 Big Tech, Antitrust, and Democracy'