Episode 112 Its Complicated

Published: April 28, 2017, 9:19 a.m.

b'Ben and James discuss whether or not monopolies are good, the differences between education and healthcare, and how to build an economy of the future. Presented by MailChimp Links Episode 012: The Internet Rainforest \\u2014 Exponent Episode 005: The World Has Changed \\u2014 Exponent Ben Thompson: Not OK, Google \\u2014 Stratechery Ben Thompson: Facebook and the Cost of Monopoly \\u2014 Stratechery How Google Eats a Business Whole \\u2014 The Outline Meet the Google Alum Who Created China\\u2019s Facebook-Groupon Mashup \\u2014 Bloomberg Hosts Ben Thompson, @benthompson, Stratechery James Allworth, @jamesallworth, Harvard Business Review Podcast Information Feed iTunes SoundCloud Twitter Feedback Presented \\u2026 Continue reading Episode 112 \\u2014 It\\u2019s Complicated'