The Healing Power of Trees

Published: Aug. 23, 2019, 4:19 p.m.


 Join Linda Lang and her guest Daniel Tigner, co-founder of the Canadian Tree Essences, as they discuss the healing power of trees, and the theory behind vibrational essences;  How emotion, environment and consciousness affect essences when creating them; Qualities the trees offer us for healing; Weeping Willow Tree qualities.


Canadian Tree Essences of LIGHT (to be your true self), HEALING THE HEART and MANIFESTATION  and their properties; What the tree essences do, how they help and how to work with them.  Listening without projection; Benefits of being present and truly listening.  How to connect to the energy of a tree.


DIGESTION (Body Synergy) Essence to release anger.  HARMONY (Body Synergy) Essence to balance stress hormones and the endocrine system.  Taking essences for health issues, emotional release and consciousness work;  Co-creating with the trees.  the illusion of unworthiness. Tips for taking the Canadian Tree Essences.



Books by Daniel Tigner:  


Trees, Healing, and You: Guided Imagery, Poems, Stories, & Other Empowering Tools


Canadian Forest Tree Essences: Vibrational Healing through the Natural Resonance of Trees


Visit for more information.



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